Create Sheet

Create Sheet

Creates a new sheet (Tab) in your spreadsheet.


Query Parameters

title string (Optional)

Name of the new sheet

copy_headers_from string (Optional)

Specifies the name of an existing sheet within the same spreadsheet. The header (first row) from this sheet will be copied to the newly created sheet.

Request Body

Content type: application/json

This is optional. You can pass an array of string or number to create the first row of your new sheet.

Example Request

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '["Student Name","Major","Age"]' '{connection-id}/sheet?title=Sheet2'

Example Response

    "properties": {
        "sheetId": 73228599,
        "title": "Sheet2",
        "index": 1,
        "sheetType": "GRID",
        "gridProperties": {
            "rowCount": 1000,
            "columnCount": 26