HTML Snippet

HTML snippet

Handlebars is the ideal solution for individuals who prefer to avoid programming languages while harnessing the full potential of SheetDB on their websites. With Handlebars, you can seamlessly integrate Google Spreadsheet functionality into your website using just HTML.


Add following to your html:

<script src=""></script>

Preferred location is before the closing </body> tag

That's it. You are ready to use our handlebars snippet.

Script tag should added to the page only once!

Display data

  1. Add data-sheetdb-url="SHEETDB_API_URL" to any HTMl element.
  2. Add handlebars {{ and }} in any child element. Between handlebars, specify the name of the column whose contents you want to display.

Sample usage

<div data-sheet2db-url="<connection-id>?{query params}">

With our handlebars snippet you can use any non sheet2db url as well to render your json data. Currently,we only support a response containing JSON array data.